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Summer Reset Weeks

Jul 06, 2021

Bonus Classes Ahead!

A quick reminder, we are heading into our annual Summer Reset weeks.

This is our short summer hiatus from LIVE classes, between training cycles. (The BN LIVE class season includes 7 consecutive 6-week cycles per year - and a short summer hiatus.)

(For the full training cycle calendar, CLICK HERE)

In past years, this pause has been three weeks - and then we hold our fall sessions back to back with no breaks.

This year, we’re adding BONUS classes - and coming back one week early! 

Plus, we're launching our new Summer Wins Event: Planks, Wellness and Gratitude


Summer Reset Weeks (No LIVE classes): July 19th to Aug. 2nd

Coming soon to your inbox! Express workouts, inspiring meditations, and Summer Wins Event details with PRIZES! Also, access to our No Excuse Replay Library and portals will remain active for BN members.


LIVE Bonus Classes

We’re back LIVE on Aug. 3rd with all scheduled classes for a BONUS week of training (all regular scheduled classes resume) - including our Canada Day makeup classes on Thurs. Aug. 5. Our 6WK Aug. Jump Start begins Aug. 9th. Non-BN members can register here. 


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