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Intern Sid Signs Off

by Intern Sid


My time here at BUFFnation has been the best start to the year I could have asked for. And as they say at BN, I experienced so many WINS - including releasing 8 kilos (about 17 pounds!). 

My three big wins have to do with mindset, nutrition, and the importance of my thinking! Not only have I learned about online business in the digital space, and attended a number of motivational speaking engagements, but I've also started maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. My outlook on life has changed, and getting enough sleep has helped me stay motivated and happy.

When I started this internship, I was 89 kilos, and within a month and a half of implementing the BN principals, my weight released. I have released seven kilos while having three meals a day, and I achieved that without dieting, just little lifestyle changes or what BN calls "small steps.". I now understand the significance of routines! I plan to continue doing this...

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How She Harnessed the Power of her Mindset to Improve her Life

success stories Jan 26, 2022

By Natalie Fisk, Team BN


There’s a great quote by Steve Maraboli,

“Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.”

And that couldn’t be more true for Angie Busby-Bross.

The 48-year-old has experienced a major transformation,

Not just physically, but mentally and spiritually too.

“I can see a change from looking at my pictures,” says Angie.

Since joining BUFFnation, she is down more than 15 inches. Wow!

“I can also feel the change from within when I look at myself,

and that makes me smile!”

The shift for Angie started with becoming aware of her self-talk.

Releasing the negativity, and choosing uplifting, positive,

and encouraging language instead.

Her old mindset would say things like,

Your body can’t do that and You’ve gained weight”.

She reframed that by using “I” when speaking to herself.

And she now...

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How She Boosted Her Strength, Stamina, and Lean Muscle Mass Over 40

by Natalie Fisk

When Kirsten Weaver turned 40 she noticed that her already healthy choices weren’t cutting it anymore.  

“I noticed that the odd meal out would immediately go to my hips or tummy and didn't come off as easily. The more I worked out, the more tired I got, and I just wasn't seeing progress. I needed to change things up.”

Kirsten found BUFFnation and hasn’t looked back.  

“I started with one class a week and while I've never been the fitness class or gym membership type, I found that having that commitment and accountability, similar to being on a sports team, helped me stay motivated and engaged.”

Kirsten kept up with one class a week for two years and then added in a daily morning walk. 

She started to see a change in her body composition.  

“I definitely noticed a huge shift in muscle tone and an increase in body confidence.”

When the pandemic hit, Kirsten increased her workouts to...

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